AllergiCare Relief Centers offers an advanced and proven technology that relieves most forms of allergies and sensitivities with one treatment per allergen family. Rather than treating the symptoms, we treat the problem at its source by retraining the body so that it no longer reacts inappropriately to the allergen. Once successfully treated, patients can recommence contact with the substance that had previously caused the allergic reaction or sensitivity.

Our treatments significantly improve if not eliminate most allergy symptoms & sensitivities with one treatment per allergen family. Below is a sampling of our successful treatments. Contact Us today for an allergy assessment and treatment.

A. Herder, USA 

Symptoms: 30 years chronic sinusitis; required twice daily medication
Results: Sinusitis cleared with one treatment to a fungus

D. Fleming, Australia 

Symptoms: Severe allergy to dogs; asthma; conjuctivitis; itching
Results: 95% symptom free after five treatments

C. Bretz, USA 

Symptoms: Treated 7 years ago for seasonal allergies; required Sudafed year-round
Results: Allergy free; no medications since treatment

O. Holloway, USA 

Symptoms: Severe,life-long multiple food allergies; instant, severe intestinal reaction
Results: No food limitations after treatment

C. Wetherall, Australia 

Symptoms: Seasonal allergies; runny nose; itchy sore eyes; sinus congestion
Results: 100% symptom free after five treatments

E. Wentworth, USA 

Symptoms: Wood craftsman; developed a skin allergy to several types of wood
Results: Can work again with all types of wood with no reaction

A. Diaz, USA 

Symptoms: 8 year old with infant onset of multiple food allergies; very limited diet which greatly limited activities
Results: Eliminated all food allergies and can now participate in all school activities

M. Freburg , USA 

Symptoms: Severe allergy/sensitivity to perfumes; threatened her profession as a nurse
Results: Allergy/sensitivity eliminated in one treatment and asthmatic symptoms improved significantly

C. & B. Wolfe , USA 

Symptoms: Both mother and son were on medication and shots for air-borne allergies
Results: Both are medication and symptom free after treatments

P. Golden, USA 

Symptoms: Allergy to peanuts
Results: Eliminated after treating for peanut molds

M. O’Brian, Australia 

Symptoms: Chronic hayfever for many years; runny nose; sneezing; bloating
Results: 12 treatments to grasses, pollen, mold, dust/mites, sulfites, coffee/chocolate; symptom free; no medication for hayfever; no bloating

M. Miller, USA 

Symptoms: Chronic sinusitis cleared in one treatment
Results: Treated for allergy specific to fungus

K. Scott, Australia 

Symptoms: Severe abdominal cramping before and after eating; avoided dairy for many years
Results: After 5 treatments; symptom free; able to eat dairy products

K. Mitchell , USA 

Symptoms: Severe intestinal pain upon any ingestion of foods
Results: Eliminated entirely after treatments

G. Cockcroft , USA 

Symptoms: Allergy to eggs caused hives
Results: All symptoms cleared after treatment

G. Mohr, Western Australia 

Symptoms: Bloating; acid reflux pain at night
Results: After 10 treatments to foods and digestive allergens; 100% symptom free